

DjangoCon Europe 2017 Highlights - Yves Weissig

Beginning of April this year developers, makers, software engineers, tinkerers, designers, hackers gathered in Florence, Italy to talk about diversity, responsibility, the importance of community and the future of Django. Yves is CTO and deputy CEO of CGscope, a data provider with a specific focus on bank governance.

Generic Foreign Keys: Why not? - Gareth Lloyd

Gareth has been using and abusing generic foreign keys all over his current project. In this talk, he’ll share his favourite and least favourite things about them, along with 3 years’ worth of tips and pitfalls. Gareth is CTO at Housekeep, London’s biggest and best home cleaning platform. Before that he was one of the earliest employees at Conversocial. He has used Django on everything he’s built ever since he found it and fell in love 7 years ago.